so today was the day that photo boy decided to take pumpkin, our cat, to the vet. pumps' day started out like any other day for him. he was up and eating breakfast at 4:30, then scratching and clang-clanging the blinds at the back door to go outside for the "first" part of his morning. this is his routine. it really doesn't vary unless it is raining and then, he is in and out several times at 4:30, utterly disgusted with the world and life. he likes his routine. and today was such a lovely spring day for him. he came in at lunch when pb came home for lunch. they bonded just like they do every other day while eating. bonding time was followed by a nap as pumpkin retreated to his regular spot on our bed. pb let him have a few moments of napping and then put him outside until the trip was to take place. pb went back to work. pumps settled into his outside napping spot in the bushes.
a few hours later, the hunter returned for his prey. he had been studying his outdoor springtime habits these past few days and knew exactly where he would find his victim. pb opened the back door and affectionately called, "pumpers, pumpers, come here buddy". obliviously and faithfully, he answered the call of his "master". pb gingerly picked him up and carried him inside. the trap was already set, the kitty carrier turned up on its end with the door open so pumps could easily be dropped in. the plan was foiled when pumps caught a glimpse and went "spread eagle". then i am guessing, just guessing, there was a lot of cussing and meowing from both master and "buddy".
the car ride was brutal. pumps was singing the blues the whole way to culbreth, carr and watson. once they made it there safely, pb carried the victim inside and waited until they called, "pumpkin moore". this still makes me laugh. now, there are notes on his chart to sedate him if needed. "w/o", translated "watch out", to be exact. the vet did the exam and asked if pb could leave him for the bath and necessary sedation. he did and all was successful. he was fluffy and bright orange at pick up time. he would not talk to pb for several hours following the trauma.
with some time to recover, he is now resting in his master's lap, tired from a day that was not in his plans.
disclaimer: all photos are original documentation of today's events. no animal or human was injured or harmed during the photo sessions.
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