
chasing waterfalls

there is a red building down town that we have been eyeing for some time now. pb can see it from his studio so it is a daily tease. we have big plans for this building as our future home and the home of kelly moore photography. we want to do our part in saving the face of broad street. we took a photo of said building on sunday and sent it as a persuasive measure to a potential investor. we know it would be amazing. we promise.

last night we took another walk down town and measured the building. we talked about our incredible plans and ideas the whole way home. later, pb spent several hours sketching out basic floor plans for our project. granted, it needs the skillful touch of a professional architect to tweak the drawings, but we do have something on paper now.

please keep us in your thoughts as we pursue this restorative dream project and strive to do our part in the development of downtown rome. donations to the cause are accepted.


  1. oh gawd. Do I hear violins weeping in the background?

  2. i know you two can do it. hope it will work out for you. i am sure you will win the lottery any day now.


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