here's a subject to ponder on: obsessions. that word can conjure up so many ideas. i use it lightly with my friends, as in "i am obsessed with those frye riding boots or the new j.crew catalog for fall." or "i am obsessed with this new restaurant that we found". or it can take on a more serious tone as in "why am i so obsessed with cleaning the house?" or "stop obsessing over that situation/issue, when it's something i can't control anyway." there are many avenues that this word can take you down so i'm going to ponder on the lighter side of obsessions today, and disclose my on-going obsession with gwyneth paltrow.
this all came to mind today when i was cleaning (hmmm, ocd, a darker side of the subject) the cubbies in our laundry room. mine is neatly organized with my purse (which was an obsession), my backpack for school (another obsession), a few books, my lookbook (...and another) and the latest vogue with gp on the front of it. another friend of mine that shares in my intrigue and love for her, emailed me while on her vacation to ask if i had purchased it yet. i had not so i went to kroger immediately. i did have some other things to buy but the issue of vogue pushed me to make the trip despite it being a wednesday. (let's just say wednesday is a very busy day for the rome, ga kroger). i read it from cover to cover that evening while pb laughed and made cute remarks. he doesn't understand the obsession. i can't explain it to him. i have followed her over the course of the past 10 years, seen all of her movies (the quirky ones and the flops), and my lookbook is full of things i have torn out of magazines about her...ideas for clothes, haircuts, home stuff, etc. i think what is comes down to is that it is just mindless entertainment and just fun to follow someone's style and life as they grow and change. i'm finished with trying to defend it. it is what it is. that being, something that is silly, but something that i can share with a few girlfriends who love her too.
I love her website/blog!
ReplyDeleteI totally get it. I love her, too!
ReplyDeletei wonder what janit thinks about this. she sure has been quiet this summer.