
hair day and hair girl loyalty

today is what my best friends and i call, hair day. we all love this day. somehow, it makes everything better when it's hair day. coincidentally, pb is having hair day too today. but i can guarantee you that he did not (excuse me, will not) jump out of bed this morning with excitement over it, nor will his hair day appointment last as long as mine. for the girls, it is an event. bring a favorite book or all of the magazines you haven't had time to read, go by starbucks on the way, and then sit there for several hours while all sorts of foils and chemicals are applied to your hair. i know...it sounds like torture to some people....but the end result of getting fresh and fabulous highlights is worth the wait. and then of course, you have to go somewhere fabulous after hair day to complete the process.

a wrench can be thrown into the day if you are, however, going back to your hair girl after straying to try a different girl just to see if she will do a better job. we all do that occasionally and that is a whole other subject. my current hair girl is pretty laid back but i recently left and visited my old one for a few months. old hair girl is hard core and when i went back to see her in march, she was kind of snippy. hair people tend to be dramatic and sensitive about client loyalty...which is understandable because it is their business. but old hair girl was intense about my loyalty to her and the million dollar highlights she gives, not to mention the add-on sales that she always seems to make as i am swallowing hard at the checkout desk. she is good, but that good?? so begins the back and forth conversations with my girlfriends who also love hair day and who are also hair whores. "do i go back to regular hair girl?, if i leave old one for a 2nd time, i really can't go back to her." after much conversation and deliberation, and with all the girls standing behind me, i cancelled appointment with old hair girl and made the one to day with my regular hair girl. i'm hoping her laid-backedness will be enough to cut the awkward edge off going back so that i can fully enjoy my hair day experience.

in all seriousness, this is another one of those little things in life that makes some girls happy because it bonds us together and is just a fun day...if you can get out of there in under 3 hours: )
and we are going somewhere fabulous tonight, after hair day. a great pizza place in atlanta that my friend has been dying for us to try. i wonder if pb is as excited as i am about having plans after hair day?


  1. im glad you stopped worrying about who you should go to and picked someone:)


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